Course Information
Please read carefully. Hopefully, this will answer all
your questions.
Department: Environmental Science, Policy, and
University of California, Berkeley.
Department Office: 145 Mulford Hall; Student
Services: 260 Mulford;
ESPM Resource Center: 260 Mulford Hall.
Professor: Carolyn Merchant, 138 Giannini Hall,
Mailbox: 130 Mulford Hall. Office hours: M. 1-2, Tu.
4-5, or by
appointment. Course and GSI mailbox: 140 Mulford Hall, inner room.
Course Description
A cross-cultural comparison of human environments as
socio-economic, and technocultural ecosystems with special
on the role of beliefs, attitudes, ideologies, and
behavior. An
examination of contemporary environmental literature and
the philosophies
embodied therein.
4 units: Two hours of lecture, one and one half hours of section and approximately 8 hours of outside work per week.
Participation: You are expected to do the readings and
participate in section and Wednesday classroom discussions.
Papers: Four 1-page (single-spaced) responses to the readings based on the weekly discussion questions (see Study Guide). Your Environmental Ethic (6 pages, double-spaced). For due dates see Assignments. Late
papers will be downgraded.
Creative Project: Your own creative response to
such as a poem, a short essay, a poster, an original song,
of music, dance, art project, a short video, a nature walk or
other participatory activity, or another project of your
Examinations: Midterm and final examinations.
will be based on the weekly discussion questions. There
will be
a choice.
15%—Participation in lecture and section discussions
20%—Papers (Four 1 page single-spaced papers; 5% each)
10%—Your Environmental Ethic
10%—Creative project
20%—Midterm examination
25%—Final examination
Course Materials
Texts: Available at ASUC bookstore;
2-hour reserve in Biosciences Library, VLSB
Carolyn Merchant. Radical Ecology: The Search for a
World. 2nd. ed. New York: Routledge, 2005.
Carolyn Merchant, ed. Key Concepts in Critical Theory:
Ecology. 2nd. ed.
Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Press, Humanity Books, 2008.
ESPM 161 Course Reader, available at Krishna Copy Center, University Ave., at Milvia.