Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
2. Population and Political Economy
2. Paul Ehrlich
Professor of Biology, Stanford University.
Author of The Population Bomb (1968).
The Birder's Handbook: A Field Guide to the Natural History of North American
Birds (1988).
The Population Explosion (with Anne Ehrlich) (1990).
3. Ehrlich: The Population Bomb
The Population Bomb (1968)
"Too many cars, too many factories, too much detergent, too much pesticide
. . . too little water . . . all can be traced easily to too many people."
(p. 67)
4. World Population
10,000 B.P. 5 million people in world
1 AD. 200 million
1650. 500 million
1850. 1 billion
1930. 2 billion
1999. 6 billion
2011. 7 billion
2016. 7.4 billion
2024. 8 billion
5. Population Growth: 1AD - 2000
6. Population
1950: 2.5 billion
1998: 5.9 billion; 1.4%/yr
2016: 7.4 billion; 1.07%/yr
1950: 157 million
1998: 273 million; 0.8%/yr
2016: 324 million; 0.77%/yr
1950: 554 million
1998: 1.2 billion; 0.9%/yr
2016: 1.38 billion; 0.53%/yr
1950: 102 million
1998: 147 million; 0.3%/yr
2016: 143 million; 0.04%/yr
7. Thomas Malthus
English economist and parson, 1766-1834.
An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798 (later editions 1803-26).
Population unchecked increases in a geometric ratio (2,4,8,16 . . .);
subsistence increases in an arithmetic ratio (1,2,3,4 . . .).
Positive checks: war, famine, pestilence, misery and vice.
Poor laws support and foster large families.
8. Population Doubling Times
Annual Increase (Percent)
Doubling Time (Years)
9. The Population Explosion, 1990
Paul and Anne Ehrlich.
1990. "The Population Bomb was for Lisa, this is for Lisaís daughter, Jessica."
10. Optimum Human Population, Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1994
Function of the desired quality of life.
Minimal physical ingredients of a decent life for everyone.
Basic human rights in the social sphere.
Large enough to foster cultural diversity.
Large enough to stimulate cultural creativity.
Small enough to ensure biodiversity.
Optimum number of people=1.5 to 2 billion.
11. Population Rise: 1950-2050
12. World Population Growth Rate
1960. 2.1% growth per year. Doubling rate: 33 years.
1990. 1.8% growth rate. Doubling rate: 39 years.
1998. 1.4% growth rate. Doubling rate: 49.5 yrs.
2010. 1.1% growth rate. Doubling rate: 63 yrs.
2016. 1.07% growth rate. Doubling rate: 64 yrs.
Global annual increment peaked between 1985 and 1990 at 87 million people
per year.
1990-95. 81 million persons per year.
2016. 79 million persons per year.
13. Growth Projections: 1950-2050
14. Fertility Decline: 1950-2050
15. Barry Commoner
State University of New York, Stonybrook, 1917-2012.
The Closing Circle (1971).
The Poverty of Power (1976).
Making Peace with the Planet (1990).
David Kriebel, ed. Barry Commoner's Contribution to the Environmental Movement (2000).
16. Demographic Transition
The point at which death rates and birth rates are approximately equal.
Population growth levels off and stabilizes.
Populations of most developed nations are now stable or in decline.
Populations of most developing nations are continuing to grow in absolute
17. Population Growth Rate: 1950-2025
18. Death Rates
Europe and N. America
1850. 30/1000
1900. 24/1000
1950. 16/1000
1985. 9/1000
2006. 8/1000
Developing Countries
1850. 38/1000
1900. 33/1000
1950. 23/1000
1985. 10/1000
2006. 9/1000
19. Birth Rates
Europe and N. America
1900. 32/1000
1950. 23/1000
1985. 14/1000
1998. 10/1000
2006. 9/1000
Developing Countries
1925. 43/1000
1950. 37/1000
1985. 30/1000
1998. 15/1000
2006. 14/1000
20. Population Stabilization: 1950-2050
21. Feminism
Gabriela Coalition, Philippines.
Equal access to education and employment.
Equal pay for women.
Healthcare, daycare, eldercare.
Social security; old age security.
FINRRAGE: Feminist International Network of Resistance to Reproductive
and Genetic Engineering. Safe contraceptive technologies.
Freedom of choice. Safe abortion.
22. Capitalism
Karl Marx, 1818-1883, Germany.
Dialectical materialism: production vs. politics/ideas.
Reserve army of labor keeps wages down, accumulation up.
Capitalism produces abundance and scarcity.
Socialism provides for basic needs and social justice.
23. Globalization
Expansion of First World capitalism into Third World economies.
Developed countries extract natural resources and labor from developing countries.
Post-World War II economic development.
Bretton Woods institutions (New Hampshire, 1944): World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Free trade and weak environmental regulation.
24. Political Economy
Center economies (First World of Europe and North America) exploit peripheral
economies (Third World of former colonies and southern hemisphere).
Economic surplus extracted (natural resources and cheap labor) to create
consumer goods for First World countries and Third World elites.
Pollution, toxics, depletion prevent Third World development without dependency.
25. Rosemary Radford Ruether
Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley; Claremont College.
Integrating Ecofeminism: Globalization and World Religions (2005).
Corporate globalization.
Corporations buy land, water, and forests; patent seeds, plants, and DNA.
26. Joel Kovel
Bard College, emeritus.
Editor emeritus: Capitalism, Nature, Socialism (journal).
Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, N.Y. 1998.
The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World? (2002).
Capitalism expels by-products of production into ecosystems.
27. Brian Tokar
Institute for Social Ecology, Vermont.
Earth for Sale: Reclaiming Ecology in the Age of Corporate Greenwash (1997).
Grassroots green movements: Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network, Third World Network.
Must reverse corporate greenwash, i.e., pretensions to green approaches by corporations.
28. Natural Capitalism
Paul Hawkin, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins.
Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution (1999).
Ecosystem services: regulating atmospheric gases, processing wastes, maintaining nutrient flows, storing and purifying water.
Natural capitalism: maintaining and increasing natural resources and ecosystem services.
29. Herman Daly
Former World Bank Economist.
Steady State Economics (1977).
Editor of Economics, Ecology, Ethics: Essays Toward a Steady-State Economy
For the Common Good (1989), with John Cobb.
Beyond Growth: Economics of Sustainable Development, 1996.
Ecological Economics, 2005.
30. Steady State Economics
An economy with constant stocks of people and artifacts; no/low-growth
in population, energy, and materials.
Low levels of matter and energy throughput; i.e. conservation of renewable
resources and energy; reuse of non-renewable resources.
Growth in culture and quality of life.
Economic services in steady-state relationship to ecosystem services.