Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
15. Sustainable Development
2. Petra Kelly
Origins of Green Party, Germany.
Die Grünen. West German Greens. Early 1980s.
1983. Gained entry into Parliament.
1998. Formed coalition with Social Democrats.
3. Peter Berg
Geographic areas having common characteristics of soil, watersheds, climate,
and native plants and animals.
Ideas about how to live in a place.
4. Kirkpatrick Sale
Dwellers in the Land: The Bioregional Vision, 1991.
Bioregional cities.
Growing food in urban gardens and farm belts
Returning waste to the land as compost.
5. Bioregional Versus Industrial Paradigms
6. Gro Harlem Brundtland
Sustainable development.
Norwegian Prime Minister.
United Nations, Our Common Future, 1987.
"Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs."
7. Sustainable Netherlands
Solar Panels in Netherlands.
Environmental space.
Sustainable consumption.
Limited meat consumption; water use; air transport.
8. Urban Regeneration
Local markets; local bus transit.
Low-cost, infill housing.
Water, bathroom, kitchen upgrades based on conservation of water and energy.
9. Ecoforestry
Goals: Beauty, health, and permanence.
Productivity as a by-product: clean air, wood, water.
Ends over means.
Quality over quantity.
Working with nature.
10. Agroforestry
A sustainable land use system.
Crops and trees grown together.
Nitrogen-fixation improves soil.
Replanting upland watersheds.
11. Community Forestry
Communities plant woodlots and fuelwood plantations.
School children raise seedlings.
Forestry as part of rural development.
Conservation and recycling of paper.
12. Soil Management
Intensive use of good land; arid tolorant crops on drylands; soil fertility.
Crop and grazing rotations; mixed, multiple-croping.
Mixing crops and livestock.
Green mulch; legumes; animal manures.
13. Aerodynamic Windbreaks
Tall trees adjacent to roads.
Shrubs next to fields.
Small trees in between.
Designed to lift wind away from fields.
14. Malawai Waterpump
Clean water for village.
Gravity piped water rather than bore wells.
Village based self-help.
Local villagers provide labor.
Government provides technicians.
15. Wildlife Conservation
Great Blue Heron.
New conservation.
World Conservation Strategy. (WCS) 1980.
Integrated approach to global conservation.
Species and populations.
16. Conservation Biology
Gray Wolf. Yellowstone National Park.
In-situ conservation of ecosystems?plants, animals, and micro-organisms.
Scientific research and monitoring of the environment.
UNESCO: Man and the Biosphere Programme.
17. Wilderness
Protection of habitats as parks and wilderness areas.
Large charismatic animals versus unseen natural biota.
Partnership with wildlife.
18. ESPM 161 Readings
Radical Ecology. C. Merchant (2005) Overview of environmental philosophies
and movements.
Ecology. ed. C. Merchant (2008). Selections by environmental philosophers
and activists.
19. ESPM 161 Course Reader
Recent, controversial articles on environmental issues.
From the Presocratics to Bill Joy
From GMO foods to Julia Butterfly
20. The Global Ecological Crisis leads to Global Revolution: 1970-2050
21. Partnership Ethics: People and Nature
The Greatest Good for the Human and Nonhuman Communities is in their Mutual
Living Interdependence.
22. Partnership Ethics
Equity between the human and nonhuman communities.
Moral consideration for both humans and other species.
Respect for cultural diversity and biodiversity.
Inclusion of women, minorities, and nonhuman nature in the code of ethical
An ecologically sound management that is consistent with the continued
health of both the human and nonhuman communities.