Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
13. Social Ecology
2. The Global Ecological Crisis leads to Global Ecological Revolution:
3. Karl Marx
Karl Marx, 1818-1883, Germany.
Dialectical materialism: synthesis between mechanical materialism and Hegelian
Capitalism produces abundance and scarcity.
Socialism provides for basic needs and social justice.
4. Murray Bookchin and Barry Commoner
Social ecology: anarchist, local.
State socialism: power in the state.
5. Murray Bookchin, 1921-2006
Institute for Social Ecology, Plainfield, Vermont.
Key concepts: Privileged terms of discourse.
hierarchy (bad).
domination (bad).
reason (good).
freedom (good).
6. Murray Bookchin
The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy (1982).
Hierarchy: The cultural, traditional, and psychological systems of obedience,
command, and control.
Narrative of the emergence of hierarchy in history and its dissolution
in anarchism.
7. Murray Bookchin
The Philosophy of Social Ecology: Essays on Dialectical Naturalism (1990).
Anarchy: Absence of state government in favor of face-to-face communal
8. Murray Bookchin
Remaking Society (1989).
Democracy: participatory face to face informal systems of decision making.
Libertarian municipalism: self-managing assemblies of people.
9. Ynestra King
Taught ecofeminism at Bookchin's Institute for Social Ecology, 1976.
Social ecofeminism extends social ecology by analyzing the domination of
women and nature.
"Feminism and the Revolt of Nature" (1981).
Transformative feminism overcomes the domination of women and nature.
10. Janet Biehl
"What is Social Ecofeminism?" (1988).
"Goddess Mythology in Ecological Politics" (1989).
Editor of and introduction to The Murray Bookchin Reader (1997)
11. David Watson
Alias George Bradford, editor of the anarchist journal, Fifth Estate.
"How Deep is Deep Ecology? " (1989).
Beyond Bookchin: Preface for a Future Social Ecology (1996).
12. Joel Koval and Alan Rudy
Murray Bookchin: Nature's Prophet (1996).
Joel Kovel, "Negating Bookchin."
Alan Rudy, "Ecology and Anthropology in the Work of Murray Bookchin: Problems
of Theory and Evidence."
13. James O'Connor
Sociology Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, emeritus.
The Fiscal Crisis of the State (1973).
The Meaning of Crisis (1987).
Founder and editor, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism.
14. James O'Connor
Key Concepts: Privileged Terms of Discourse.
Exploitation of labor.
Capitalist accumulation.
Second contradition of capitalism.
Autonomy of nature.
15. James O'Connor
Need for an Ecological Marxist theory.
Production conditions:
natural conditions/ecosystem viability.
labor power/physical and mental health of workers.
means of communication.
Ecological Marxism.
16. James O'Connor
Natural Causes: Essays in Ecological Marxism (1998).
Socialism and Ecology.
Ecology Movements and the State.
What is Ecological Socialism?
17. (graphic)
18. Ariel Salleh
Ecofeminism as Politics: Nature, Marx, and the Postmodern (1997).
Socialism, ecology, feminism, and postcolonial struggle can be grounded,
unified, and empowered by an ecofeminist dialectic of relations.