Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
11. Ecofeminism
Saving the earth.
Women's connections to nature.
Why do women do it?
How do they do it?
3. Françoise d'Eaubonne
1972: Started Ecologie-Féminisme (Ecology-Feminism Center).
1974: Published "The Time for Ecofeminism" in Feminism or Death.
"The planet placed in the feminine will flourish for all."
4. Sandra Marburg and Lisa Watkins
Woman and Environment, 1974, Berkeley, Ca
5. Women and Nature
Susan Griffin. Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her (1978).
Mary Daly. Gyn/Ecology (1978).
Links between domination of women and domination of nature under patriarchy.
6. Ynestra King
1976: Taught course on Eco-feminism at Institute for Social Ecology, Vermont.
1980: "Women and Life on Earth: Ecofeminism in the '80s.
Conference in Amherst, Mass.
7. Women's Pentagon Action
November 17, 1980: 2000 women encircle the Pentagon; block entrances; call
for peace.
8. Liberal Ecofeminism
Women like men are rational agents.
Equal education will allow women to become equals in the workplace.
Women can become scientists, lawyers, legislators, and resource managers.
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (1949).
Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (1963).
9. Ellen Swallow Richards
Meaning of Ecology: house.
Ernst Haeckel, 1873, Germany, "oekologie."
Ellen Swallow, 1892, introduced "oekology."
Ellen Swallow, 1910, used "human ecology" in Sanitation in Daily Life.
10. Rachel Carson
1962. Silent Spring.
Pesticides are deadly elixirs.
DDT; chlorinated hydrocarbons; organophosphates.
Concentration in food chain.
Genetic resistance to pesticides.
11. Ecofeminist Perspectives
Conference held at USC, Los Angeles, March 27-29, 1987.
25th annniversary of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring.
Organized by Gloria Orenstein and Irene Diamond.
12. Cultural Ecofeminism
Women and nature have been linked and mutually devalued in Western culture.
Sherry Ortner, "Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?" (1974).
Women's physiology (menstruation, lactation, pregnancy, childbirth); social roles (home care and child care), and psychology (emotions; the personal).
13. Gaia, the Earth Goddess
Spirituality, witchcraft, female bodies are source of female power.
Celebration of female deities.
"Gaia is the ancient earth-mother who brought forth the world and the human race from 'the gaping void, chaos.'" Charlene Spretnak, 1978.
"The concept of Mother Earth, . . . or, Gaia, has been widely held throughout history." James Lovelock, Gaia, 1979.
14. Critiques of Cultural Ecofeminism
Ecofeminism is essentialist in its conflation of women with nature.
"Women's nature is to nurture."
"Gaia is a super house-cleaning goddess operating with whiter than white homeostatic detergent" to keep the planet clean. Val Plumwood.
15. Noël Sturgeon
Ecofeminist Natures: Race, Gender, Feminist Theory, and Political Action
Problem of biological and ahistorical "essentialism" of women as closer
to nature and men as bearers of culture.
16. Love Canal, 1978
Lois Gibbs, spokesperson for Love Canal residents.
Boarded-up homes in Love Canal, 1980.
Hooker Chemical Company plant where the dumping of chemicals in Love Canal began.
17. Helen Caldicott
Australian-born pediatrician at Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston.
Author of Nuclear Madness (1978); If You Love This Planet (1992); The New Nuclear Danger (2002).
Founder of Women's Party for Survival.
18. Lulu Gant
LuLu Gant of Limerick Ecology Action, Pennsylvania, 1980.
First anniversary of 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident.
"Please! Don't let my grandchildren be the last generation!"
19. Carol Barrett
Newport, Tennessee.
Protest of the polluting of the Pigeon River by Champion International
Corporations's paper mill.
"Let the Water Breathe." "Let the Pigeon Live."
20. Social Ecofeminism
Janet Biehl. "What is Social Ecofeminism?" (1988).
Domination of nature stems from domination of human by human.
Liberation of women possible by overturning all economic and social hierarchies.
Decentralized communities with women as free participants.
Women's reproductive, intellectual, sensual, and moral freedom.
21. Janet Biehl
Rethinking Ecofeminist Politics (1991).
Ecofeminism is fraught with irrational and self-contradictory meanings.
Rejects rationality by embracing goddess worship.
Rejects scientific and cultural advances because advocated by men.
Essentializes women as nurturers.
22. Val Plumwood, 1939-2008
Feminism and the Mastery of Nature (1993).
Dualisms operate as interlocking systgems of domination.
Web of Oppression.
The relational self.
Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason (2002).
23. Karen Warren
"Feminism and Ecology: Making Connections" (1987).
"Toward an Ecofeminist Ethic" (1988).
"The Power and Promise of Ecological Feminism" (1990).
Ecofeminist Philosophy (2000).
Dualisms; Power-Over.
24. Ecofeminist Ethics
Traditional ethics are grounded in rights, rules, and utilities.
Ecofeminist ethics are grounded in care, love, and trust.
But are women then complicit in the assumption that women are more caring, emotional, and nurturing than men?
25. Socialist Ecofeminism
26. Socialist Ecofeminism
Fulfillment of people's needs not greed.
Sustainable relations with nature.
Mary Mellor. Feminism and Ecology (1997)
Living within the constraints of ecology and biological time.
Fulfilling basic human needs for food, clothing, shelter, and energy.
27. Ariel Salleh
"Deeper than Deep Ecology: The Ecofeminist Connection" (1984).
Domination of nature by man.
Domination of women by men.
Master-slave role over both nature and women.
28. Ariel Salleh
Ecofeminism as Politics: Nature, Marx, and the Postmodern (1997).
Socialism, ecology, feminism, and postcolonial struggle can be grounded,
unified, and empowered by an ecofeminist dialectic of relations.
29. Chris Cuomo
Feminism and Ecological Communities: An Ethic of Flourishing (1998).
Ecological feminism as a source of environmental and social ethics.
30. Vandana Shiva
Staying Alive: Women, Ecology, and Development (1988).
Ecofeminism, with Maria Mies (1993).
Nature and women are producers of life.
Chipko Movement.