1860 - 1920
2. Rationales for Wilderness
End of frontier, 1890 census;
F. J. Turner.
Wilderness as vanishing
national asset.
Wilderness as sublime; God's
Cities as wilderness; nature
as pristine.
Wilderness as test zones for
middle-class life as soft; outdoor movement.
Wilderness as aesthetic
beauty; pleasure.
3. Frederick Law Olmsted
"The Yosemite Valley and the
Mariposa Big
Trees," 1865.
Wilderness as therapy for the
Relief from cares of ordinary
Public parks should be
available to the poor.
Moral spaces.
4. Redwood Lumbering
Sequoiadendron gigantea. Sierra
5. Redwood loading dock
Sequoia sempervirens, coastal
Redwood shipping by schooner
in Humboldt County.
6. Laura White
1897. Founded the California
Club in S. F.
in wake of abortive suffrage campaign.
1900. Merged into California
Federation of
Women's Clubs.
1900. Became alarmed over the
threat to the
Calaveras Big Trees.
7. Calavaras Big Trees
1900. Laura White initiates
campaign to save
the Big Trees.
Sends photos of trees named
after presidents
and generals to Congress; personally lobbies members of Congress.
Conducts nationwide petition
drive: 1 1/2
million signatures.
1909. Bill passed authorizing
exchange of
lands of equal value.
8. Appreciation of Redwoods
Sequoia sempervirens; Sempervirens
Club; Big Basin State Park, 1901.
1918. Save the
Redwoods League formed
to save north coast redwoods.
1890. Sequoia National
Park created.
1940. King's Canyon
National Park.
State Parks: Humboldt, Prairie
Creek, Jedediah
Smith, and Del Norte. Redwoods Highway: U.S. 101. 1968: Redwood
9. Railroads and the National Parks
1. Mt. Ranier: Northern
2. Glacier: Great Northern.
3. Yellowstone: Union Pacific,
Northern Pacific,
Bryce-Zion: Union Pacific.
7. Grand Canyon: Atchison,
Topeka & Santa
8. Yosemite: Southern Pacific.
9. Crater Lake: Southern
10. Thomas Moran, Grand Canyon of
the Yellowstone
1869. First expedition.
1870. Washburn expedition.
Moran accompanied 1871 USGS
Yellowstone survey
(Hayden Expedition) at request of Jay Cooke, financier of Northern
Cooke had right of way for
R.R., through Montana,
40 N. of Yellowstone.
11. Alfred Runte, Trains of
Yellowstone Park idea promoted
by A.B. Nettleton
on behalf of Jay Cooke of Northern Pacific Railroad.
Ferdinand Hayden, U.S.
Geological Survey,
pushed legislation to create Yellowstone Nat. Park, 1872.
1883, Northern Pacific
completes link to Yellowstone.
"Madonna of the Rails."
12. Wonderland by Train, 1897
Northern Pacific Railroad's
annual Wonderland
"Liberty" on back of the
American Bald Eagle
floats above Yellowstone's Grand Canyon and Lower Falls.
1915: 44,477 arrive by train.
Tourists stayed at grand
hotels built by railroads.
13. Wonderland Guide, 1899
Brochures advertise bountiful
harvests made
possible by railroads.
Spectacular scenery of
American West promotes
tourism and settlement.
Parks and railroads work
together: Old Faithful
Inn, 1904, paid for by N. Pacific.
Train replaces covered wagon.
14. The Scenic Northwest Guide
"Great Northern, a Dependable
Nature's masterpieces are
basis for artwork
sold in the east.
Ecotourism moves west.
Bountiful natural resources of
the west await
15. Yosemite National Park
James Savage, Mariposa
Battalion, 1851; Miwok
removal, 1852; first tourists, 1855; Indian land cession, 1857.
Yosemite Valley ceded to
California, 1864;
Yosemite National Park created 1890; Valley receded, 1905.
Cathedral rocks mirrored in
Merced River;
Indian woman with papoose in foreground; Miwok-Paiute culture.
16. Yosemite Visitors
1855: first tourists enter
Yosemite Valley.
1863: 406 visitors via
steamboat and stage.
1875: hotels, roads, wagons,
supplies for
1916: 14,251 via R.R.
1918: 26,669 via automobile.
1997: 4.2 million via car.
17. Sequoia and Flatiron Building
Southern Pacific's 1904
Wawona Tunnel Tree, Yosemite
National Park’s
Mariposa Redwood Grove, carved 1881; toppled in storm, 1969.
Claimed to be 400 ft,
exceeding New York's
Flatiron Building by 114 ft.
18. John Muir
"The Hetch Hetchy Valley," American
The Yosemite, 1912.
Hetch Hetchy as a people's
"No holier temple has ever
been consecrated
by the heart of man."
19. Muir Instructing the Sierra
Sierra Club founded, June 4,
1892; Muir 1st
20. Hetch Hetchy Valley Before Dam
Kolona Rock, 2300 ft.
Valley was 3 1/2 miles long by
1/2 miles wide,
"a landscape garden."
Tuolumne River.
Wapama Fall, 1700 ft.
"The sublime rocks of its
walls glow with
"Birds, bees, butterflies stir
the air into
21. Hetch Hetchy After the Dam
O'Shaughnessy Dam, San
Francisco Water and
22. Thomas Moran, Grand Canyon
Purchased by Santa Fe
Railroad, 1914.
23. Grand Canyon from Mojave Point
24. Grand Canyon by Train
Restored Grand Canyon Railway
and the Old
25. Questions for Discussion
Did railroads create the
national parks?
Is wilderness preserved in the
national parks?