1.1 American
and Cultural History
to Podcast of these Slides
2. American Environmental and
Cultural History
Conservation and Resource
Studies social science
requirement or area of interest requirement.
History major.
Other majors.
Fulfills American Cultures
3. American Environmental and
Cultural History
Learn to read and think
critically about history.
Appreciate American cultural
Relate environmental history to
current events.
Discussion Sections
Pick one question to focus on.
Try to speak each week.
Participate in list-serve for
extra credit.
4. Creative Projects
Choose a chapter from the
Create a project from the
chapter topic.
Must have historical context.
Must have environmental
A good way to explore another
Give a 5 minute (max)
presentation in section
during the week of your chapter.
7. Boll Weevil Projects: April
Deerr, Keith
8. Chesapeake Letter:Janice Dean
9. Phillis Wheatley’s
Poetry:Karen Manwaring
12. Great Plains: John Deere
Plow; Oregon
Trail model
13. Urban Pollution: Chitra
Chandran and
Heather Janes
15. Gold Rush Sluice Box:
Carmella Campbell
16. American Cultures
Why is there a requirement?
California’s multicultural
population growing.
CA total pop. 2000: 34.6
million; 2020: 45.5
Prop 209, 1996. No racial or
gender pref.
U.C. Berkeley’s multicultural
Freshman class:‘97, ‘00, ‘01,
'02, '03. State
Population: 1998
African-American: 7.3%, 3.9%,
3.8%, 3.7%,
3.5% 6.7
American Indian: 0.7%, 0.3%,
0.5%, 0.5%, 0.6%
Asian-American: 40.4%, 44.8%,
40.2%, 39.9%,
40% 11.5%
Chicano/Latino: 13.3%, 9.3%,
10.5%, 12.1%.
12.2% 30.8%
White: 28.2%, 30.6%, 29.9%,
33.9%, 32.9% 50.1%
Other (foreign,
17. American Cultures
What is the requirement?
Courses must be integrative and
and address theoretical and analytical issues relevant to understanding
race, culture, and ethnicity in American history and society.
Must take substantial account of
groups drawn
from at least three of the following: African-Americans, indigenous
of the U.S., Chicano/Latinos, and European Americans.
18. American Cultures
American cultures classes may
also satisfy
other requirements.
Address majority and minority
cultures within
Look at interactions and
influences among
the three groups chosen.
How have various cultural
traditions and experiences
shaped American experience as a whole?
19. American Cultures and ESPM 160
Will take substantial account of
three cultures:
Native American, African American, and European American
Minor account of Asian American
and Hispanic/Chicano
experiences; mainly in California & west
Why these three as major
This course covers Native
American times to
the present
Indian, black, and European
cultures have
long history.
Little knowledge of env. history
of others
over this time
20. American Cultures and ESPM 160
European Americans (especially
men) were and
still are the dominant culture shaping American history. It’s changing!
Native and African Americans are
shaped by
and often oppressed by the dominant culture.
We want to understand their
experiences and
their contributions to American culture as a whole.
21. American Cultures and ESPM 160
Almost everyone teaching
American Cultures
courses was socialized in one culture and must try to interpret two
Almost all students are in a
similar position.
This is challenging, difficult,
and open to
The goal is to break down
stereotypes; gain
understanding and appreciation of other American cultures and their
22. Sources for Environmental and
Texts: Major Problems in
American Environmental
History, 2nd edition (2005).
On Reserve: Atlas of American
Reading: One chapter each week
in M.P.
Documents: Primary sources
(voices of people
living in past times).
Hard to find documents by
minorities and women;
most written by Euramerican men.
Other sources: songs,
pictographs, stories,
poems, account books, diaries, film, video.
Essays: Written by people living