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Old Sturbridge Village Panoramas

By the early nineteenth century, many American farms were engaged in a transition from production for local subsistence to production for urban markets. Old Sturbridge Village, a reconstructed farming community about sixty miles southwest of Boston, where the panoramas below were taken, typified rural life and work in the 1820s.

As you view the panoramas look at the ways food and clothing were produced. List the ecological and economic impacts of change from a subsistence to a market-oriented way of life. Use the linked quotations and additional photographs to assist you in your interpretation.

Sturbridge Village Panorama
Please click here to load the panorama.

Additional Photos

Freeman Farm Panorama
Please click here to load the panorama.

Additional Photos

Credits: Photographs by Carolyn Merchant; panorama assembly and web page by Rob Weinberg.
Panoramas updated by Ravi Shivanna using PanoramaStudio 3 (July 2018)