Put your name and section day and time at the top of the page and the Film Paper number (i.e. 1 - 5). You must hand in a hard copy of your paper in class on (or before) the due date. Late papers will be downgraded.
Please keep the paper to one page in length (single-spaced, no lower than 10-pt. font, 1-inch margins). More than one page will not be read.
State your thesis in an opening sentence. State your conclusion in a final sentence.
Choose one of the two topics listed under the week that paper is due. See Films and Videos under Assignments.
Incorporate what you have been learning in lecture and from the text. It may be helpful to utilize the themes discussed in section.
You may not copy papers from other students or the internet (this constitutes plagiarism).
Be creative. Find what engages you in the film and work with it. Feel free to question the filmmakers' representations and approaches to history.
Above all, think critically. Beyond imparting facts, this course is intended to teach you how environmental historians think about and study their world. This is your chance to interpret and critique their work.
Films may be viewed or reviewed in the CNR Resource Center in 260 Mulford. (Note that viewing them there does not count toward the eight films to be viewed in class.)