Andrew Paul Gutierrez

Ecosystem Science, University Of California, Berkeley,
MS, PhD, University of California, Berkeley, 1967 Ecology/IPM/Biological control/Entomology Special Salary Professor (IX+) in Ecosystem Science
Research Interests: Agroecosystems analysis, IPM-biological control, population ecology, plant-herbivore interactions, tritrophic modeling, agricultural economics, GIS, transgenic crops
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and rudimentary French and Italian.
Relevant Experience :Executive Committee and Associate Director National IPM project; FOUNDER
University of California Statewide IPM Project; FAO Panel of Experts in IPM, Rome, Italy; Chair, Africa-wide
Committee on Biological Control; Founding member of the University of California Center for Sustainable Development and Center for Biological Control; Chair of CGIAR and USAID committees; Numerous consultantships, reviewer for numerous journal and government agencies.
Partial List of Honors & Awards:International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna, Austria; FAO Panel of IPM Experts, Rome, Italy; Nominated US/NAS & NSF McCarty Prize; Research Projects voted exemplars by US President's Council on Environmental Quality; Parasitis Award; Member of IITA/Nigeria team receiving King Baudouin Award.
Students: 23 Ph.D. (1 MacAurthur Fellow); 3 MS; 22 Postdoctoral (World Food Prize, Tyler Prize, Rank Prize, etc)
Refereed Publications: 220+ and four books
Gutierrez, A.P. 1992. The physiological basis of ratio dependent theory. Ecology 73:1529-53.
Regev, U., A. P. Gutierrez, S. J. Schreiber, and D.Zilberman. 1998. Biological and Economic Foundations of Renewable Resource Exploitation. Ecological Economics, 26: 227-242.
Gutierrez, A. P., J. S. Yaninek, P. Neuenschwande and C. K. Ellis. 1999 A physiologically based metapopulation dynamics: the tritrophic cassava system as a case study. Ecological Modelling. 123:225-242.
d'Oultremont, T. and A.P. Gutierrez (2002). A multitrophic model of a rice-fish agroecosystem: II. Linking the flooded rice-fishpond systems, Ecological Modelling 155 (2-3):159 - 176.
Gutierrez, A.P., Pitcairn, M.J., Ellis, C.K., Carruthers, N., Ghezelbash, R., 2005. Evaluating biological control of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) in California: A GIS based supply–demand demographic model. Biological Control 34: 115-131.
Gutierrez, A. P., J.J. Adamcyzk Jr. and S. Ponsard. 2006. A Physiologically based model of Bt cotton-pest interactions: II. bollworm-defoliator-natural enemy interactions. Ecological Modelling 191: 360-382.
Gutierrez, A.P., K.M. Daane, Luigi Ponti, C.K. Ellis, (in press) Prospective evaluation of the biological control of the vine mealybug: refuge effects. J. Appl. Ecol. 44: 1-13.
Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, Luigi Ponti, C. Ken Ellis and Thibaud d’Oultremont (2008) Climate Change Effects on tritrophic systems. Climatic Change 87: 167-192