There is much that farmers do not have control over, and what
they do control, they control through people. How these people are
hired, managed and motivated makes a huge difference. Labor
management is much more than forms and paperwork. It is more about
finding creative new ways of increasing productivity and reducing
loss. About 40% to 70% of costs in production agriculture are
related to labor costs. Thus, it seems that effective management of
these costs plays a vital role in the competitiveness of
agricultural producers. This page was established in 1996. A sister
site with equivalent resources in Spanish is also available to
visitors. These sites offers a number of downloadable books, research papers, articles,
audio seminars, electronic discussion groups, bulletin boards,
and other resources to farm employers, academia, consultants, and
the press.
Gregorio Billikopf
Emeritus, University of California
Casilla 15 / Llanquihue, Región de los Lagos / Chile
WhatsApp +56 9 94559913 Skype: GregorioBillikopf E-mail: /
Copyright 1996-2020 University of California
3 June 2020 |